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Latest News & Legal Articles
The Regulation Amending the Electricity Market Balancing and Settlement came into force as of July 1
The Regulation Amending the Electricity Market Balancing and Settlement Regulation (“Amending Regulation”) which was published in the...
Changes to the Labour Code of the Russian Federation - "Specific Regulation of Work Performed
KILIC & Partners advises that Federal Law No. 409-FZ "On Amendments to the Russian Federation Labour Code and Article 13 of the Federal...
FDI & Acquisition opportunities in the Turkish Energy Sector
The Turkish Government has announced 29 Power Plants are to be privatised, number of Hydroelectric and gas-turbine power plants, along...

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OBG Legal Partner The Report Turkey 2015
Oxford Business Group The Report Turkey 2015 Legal Framework & Regulation a push to make Istanbul a global financial hub, Financial...
30% of Turkey’s 2023’s Electricity Generation Target to come from renewable’s
Turkey's installed power capacity stands today at around 70 GW and the government aims to install an additional 110 GW by 2023. The aims...
Foreign Direct Investment still flowing in to Turkey
FDI inflow of 2.7 billion dollars during January and February 2015 with over 70% coming from the EU countries with 325 new foreign...
Dutch Court Set Aside an Arbitration Award
A Dutch court has ruled in its favour and set aside an arbitration award the jeweller was ordered to pay in 2013 related to its failed...
Russian Legal Update: Changes in the procedure of registration of branches and representative office
KILIC & Partners advises that according to the Russian Federal Law No. 106-FZ "On Introduction of Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts...
The Obligation to Co-Operate with Turkish Entities for Foreign Contractors
The Guideline was announced on February 15, 2015, and named as “Industry Co-Operation Programme Regarding Purchasing of Goods and...
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