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Latest News & Legal Articles
$400m Joint Investment Agreement: The Russian Direct Investment Fund and Renaissance Holding of Turk
Jointly investments in the healthcare and infrastructure sectors, using public private partnership (PPP) models, transport and commercial...
Rusya Pazarında İş Yapmanın Püf Noktaları
Rusya ve Türkiye arasındaki ekonomik ilişkilerin gelişmesiyle birlikte, iki ülke vatandaşları karşılıklı olarak birçok sektörde yatırım...
Arbitration Center to resolve energy disputes
Istanbul Arbitration Center will be set up to deal with disputes in the international energy market An International Court of Arbitration...
Iberian & Americas Desk International Law Bulletin: in Spanish & Portuguese
Follow the Iberian desk on LinkedIn & read the full article here Deuda Española Standard & Poor's ha decidido confirmar la nota de la...
Elektrikli Araba Üretiminde Yatırımcıya Devlet Katkısı
Bilim Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanı Fikri Işık, Türkiye’de elektrikli otomobil üretimine yoğunlaşılacağını, fabrikalar hangi ile yapılırsa...
6563 Sayılı Elektronik Ticaretin Düzenlenmesi Kanunu yürürlüğe gird
6563 Sayılı Elektronik Ticaretin Düzenlenmesi Kanun’u 05.11.2014 tarihinde yürürlüğe girdi. Kanun ile genel olarak AB uyum programı...
New Turkish Law on E-Commerce has been published - Official Gazette dated 5/11/2014
The Law on E-Commerce Numbered 6563 (the Law) has been published on Official Gazette dated 5/11/2014. It will enter in force on...
Blog Updates from The Iberian Team "Independencia Catalana"
En Cataluña, el 9 de noviembre, 80% de los votantes en la consulta votaron a favor de la secesión de Cataluña del resto de España El...
A EUR 55 million loan from the EIB to TOFAS under the EU InnovFin program will increase competitiven
The European Investment Bank (“EIB”) has concluded a EUR 55 million agreement with one of Turkey’s main car manufacturers Türk Otomobil...
Mergers: The EC cleared the Whirlpool – Indesit acquisition
The European Commission (“EC”) gave clearance to the acquisition of the Italian based Indesit Company S.P.A. by the USA based Whirlpool...
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