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K&P Blog
Latest News & Legal Articles
Amendment to the Regulation of Environmental Impact Assessment
The Regulation Amending the Regulation on Environmental Impact Assessment (the “Amendment Regulation”) based on the Environment Code...
US Energy Information Administration the (EIA) backs Turkey as a “Natural Gas” Transit Hub
Situated in the sixth biggest choke point in the world for the transit of Crude Oil 2.9 million barrels a day pass through Turkey from...
The Regulation Amending the Electricity Market Balancing and Settlement came into force as of July 1
The Regulation Amending the Electricity Market Balancing and Settlement Regulation (“Amending Regulation”) which was published in the...
30% of Turkey’s 2023’s Electricity Generation Target to come from renewable’s
Turkey's installed power capacity stands today at around 70 GW and the government aims to install an additional 110 GW by 2023. The aims...
Privatization of the Turkish Petroleum Corporation
Turkish Petroleum Corporation (TPAO), which is currently a national oil company involved in upstream sector (exploration, drilling, well...
Rusya Pazarında İş Yapmanın Püf Noktaları
Rusya ve Türkiye arasındaki ekonomik ilişkilerin gelişmesiyle birlikte, iki ülke vatandaşları karşılıklı olarak birçok sektörde yatırım...
Arbitration Center to resolve energy disputes
Istanbul Arbitration Center will be set up to deal with disputes in the international energy market An International Court of Arbitration...
Along with the Article 88 of the Omnibus Bill an additional Article has been added
Water Stuctructures Wıll Be Inspected Along with the Article 88 of the Omnibus Bill, an additional Article has been added to the Law on...
EMRA Introduced New Amendments On Procedures And Principles To Be Applied To Auditing, Preliminary S
EMRA (Energy Market Regulatory Authority in Turkey) has made certain amendments on the auditing principles of the companies operating in...
Suppliers with special charge in Electricity Market
Suppliers with special charge in Electricity Market Pursuant to EMRA’S board decision on 12.09.2012, operations of retail and wholesale...
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