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Ticari Reklam ve Haksız Ticari Uygulamalar Yönetmeliği Resmi Gazete’de Yayımlandı
Ticari Reklam ve Haksız Ticari Uygulamalar Yönetmeliği “Yönetmelik”) Gümrük ve Ticaret Bakanlığı tarafından 10.01.2015 tarih ve 29232...
State aid questions: Exemption from property tax for a state-owned company
State aid questions: Exemption from property tax for a state-owned company The Court of Justice of the EU (“ECJ”) ruled on state aid...
EC closes its inquiry on luxury watchmakers
European Commission closes its inquiry on luxury watchmakers The European Commission has closed its antitrust inquiry on luxury...
EU Legal Developments:
REVISED DE MINIMIS NOTICE SUMMARY: The revised Notice on agreements of minor importance, which do not appreciably restrict competition...
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